Our pressure CalBench packages feature modules and accompanying products for testing and verifying instrumentation such as transmitters, gauges and switches. These packages are similar to the CBP-PROC process CalBench packages but have more focus on pressure work than temperature calibration coverage. Additionally, the pressure modules and extras in each package can be customised to end user requirements, meaning we can modify the ranges to match your instrumentation at site.
Each package has software driven calibration capabilities. This means that EasyCal software runs on the PC control centre module and communicates with controller and calibrator modules. EasyCal pressure calibration allows users to create procedures that speed up testing applications. Then users can produce calibration certificates and reports, printed and issued directly from the bench. Pressure CalBench packages also come with various accessories for quick UUT connection and setup.
CBP-PRES1 CalBench Package
- Advanced pressure calibration bench
- Auto-pneumatic pressure controller modules
- Pneumatic, hydraulic & DP measure modules
- Process calibrator/multimeter/PC module
- Source/measure V, I , Ω, Hz, temperature
- Line pressure & vacuum pumps included
- Fixed & variable DC power supply modules
CBP-PRES2 CalBench Package
- Automated pressure calibration test bench
- 40 bar pneumatic controller module
- 100 bar regulated module with digital gauge
- Precision indicator modules to 700 bar
- Line pressure & vacuum pumps included
- Process calibrator/multimeter/PC module
- Fixed & variable DC power supply modules
CBP-PRES3 CalBench Package
- Pressure calibration and trainer CalBench
- 2 regulated pneumatic modules to 20 bar
- Digital gauge modules for 200 & 700 bar
- Process calibrator/multimeter/PC module
- Source/measure V, I , Ω, Hz, temperature
- Fixed & variable DC power supply modules
- Pneumatic & hydraulic calibration pumps

- Product Ranges
- Decade Boxes
- Portable Voltage & Current Calibrators
- Electrical Multifunction Calibrators
- ATE / Bench Calibrators & Multimeters
- Electrical Test Equipment Calibrators
- Process Calibration Instruments
- Pressure Calibration Instruments
- Calibration Benches
- Calibration Software
- Accessories
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- Calibration Benches
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