Signal Generation Modules

Signal Generation and Analysis Modules

Oscilloscopes, function generators and frequency counters

A range of modules commonly used for testing work and diagnostics of electrical and electronic devices. Often utilised in our Repair and Maintenance type CalBenches, these modules provide users with a wide range of functions for signal generation and measurement.

Frequency counter modules are for pulse and oscillation measurements. Function and signal generators for various waveforms, frequency ranges and amplitude outputs. Oscilloscopes measure electrical signals to troubleshoot, test and verify device or component behaviour.

  • Signal Generation and Analysis Modules

    7027-7027A Frequency Counters

    • 7027: 3 GHz / 7027A: 6 GHz
    • Freq, period, pulse width modes
    • Ratio and event counter modes
    • Reciprocal counting measurements
    • High impedance measurement 
    • 10 digit LCD display 
    • Remote control/readback via USB  
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  • Signal Generation and Analysis Modules

    7029-7031 Function Generators

    • 7029: 0.001 mHz to 25 MHz
    • 7031: 0.001 mHz to 50 MHz 
    • 1 μHz resolution
    • Arbitrary & pulse capabilities 
    • Wide range of modulations 
    • True pulse generator 
    • Large graphic LCD display
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  • Signal Generation and Analysis Modules

    7028 Function Generator

    • 0.00 1Hz to 20 MHz frequency range
    • 6 digits or 1 mHz resolution
    • 1 ppm stability & 10 ppm accuracy
    • Multiple instrument set-up storage
    • Internal phase continuous sweep
    • AM, FSK, gated & tone switching
    • 5 mV to 20 V pk-pk from 50 or 600Ω 
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  • Signal Generation and Analysis Modules

    7048 RF Signal Generator

    • 150 kHz - 2000 MHz frequency range
    • 10 Hz setability, +/-1 ppm freq stability
    • -127 dBm to +7dB m amplitude
    • AM, FM & Phase modulation
    • 80 character back-lit LCD display
    • Keyboard and rotary encoder control
    • Full remote control through RS-232 
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  • Signal Generation and Analysis Modules

    7058 RF Signal Generator

    • 10 MHz to 6000 MHz frequency range
    • 10 Hz setability, +/-1 ppm freq stability
    • -110 Bm to +7 dBm amplitude
    • High purity output, low phase noise
    • Custom level trim: up to 100 points
    • 20 character x 4 row back-lit LCD
    • Remote control via RS232 or USB 
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  • Signal Generation and Analysis Modules

    8023 Function Generator with Counter

    • DDS function generator & frequency counter
    • 0.001 Hz to 10 MHz
    • 6 digits or 1 mHz setting resolution
    • 1 ppm stability, < 10 ppm best accuracy
    • Sine, square and triangle waveforms
    • High spectral purity, low phase noise
    • Auto-ranging 120 MHz frequency counter
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  • Signal Generation and Analysis Modules

    8026-27 Function Generators with Counters

    • 8026: 0.1 Hz to 12 MHz / 8027: 25 MHz
    • AM/FM/FSK Modulation, Sweep functions
    • Triangle/Ramp: 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz
    • 0.1 Hz frequency resolution
    • 150 MHz frequency Counter
    • Numeric keypad entry & knob selection
    • 3.5 ” LCD display
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  • Signal Generation and Analysis Modules

    7020-21-22-23 Oscilloscopes

    • 150, 100, 70, 50 MHz modules
    • Real-time sampling rate to 1 GSa/s
    • Equivalent-time sampling rate to 50 GSa/s
    • Memory Depth up to 2 Mpts
    • Triggers: Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope, Alternate
    • 7 " TFT-LCD display, 800 * 480 resolution
    • Frequency counter (1 Hz resolution)
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  • Signal Generation and Analysis Modules

    7024 Digital Storage Oscilloscope

    • 200 MHz bandwidth, 4 channel
    • Real-time sampling rate to 1 GSa/s
    • Waveform capture rate up to 400,000 wfm/s
    • Memory Depth up to 14 Mpts
    • Low noise, intelligent digital trigger system
    • 7 " TFT-LCD display, 800 * 480 resolution
    • Automatic measurement for 38 parameters
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  • Signal Generation and Analysis Modules

    CC-FRQC Frequency Counter & Power Meter

    • Frequency counter for 1 to 6000 MHz
    • Power measurement: -30 dBm to +20 dBm
    • Operated via the PC control centre module
    • Software application, intuitive user interface
    • For electrical/electronic test work, R&M
    • Frequency Aging: ± 1.0 ppm/year
    • Sample time: 0.1 to 3 secs
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  • Signal Generation and Analysis Modules

    CCSCOPE Control Centre Oscilloscopes

    • Integrally fitted, operated via control centre
    • 10, 25, 50, 70, 100 MHz versions available
    • 2 channels
    • Up to 1 GS/s sampling rate
    • Supplied with software
    • Internal arbitrary waveform generator
    • Advanced digital triggers
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  • Signal Generation and Analysis Modules

    CC-AFG20 Function Generator

    • Waveform generator with interface
    • Frequency to 20 MHz 
    • Sine, square, ramp, pulse, noise, DC
    • FM, AM, PM, and PWM modulation
    • Pulse generation to 5 MHz
    • Built-in oscilloscope & spectrum analyzer
    • Operated via the PC control centre module
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